
Iesaistošas pašvaldības: veicinot labākās iedzīvotāju iesaistes prakses (Engaging municipalities: promoting best practices of civic involvement in decision-making)

Projekta norises laiks:
23.03.2020 - 31.12.2020
Projekta izmaksas:
Vācijas Ārlietu ministrija (ar Providus līdzfinansējumu)


Līga StafeckaAgnese FrīdenbergaSintija Tarasova



Tupinājums 2019.gadā iesāktajam projektam

The project will help to share the best practices of citizen engagement among Latvia’s municipalities and civic activists, particularly focusing on participatory budgeting (buergerhaushalt) and on citizen engagement in long-term (strategic) planning of their municipality. The project will also provide technical advice to those Latvian municipalities that choose to pilot new methods of citizen engagement.

Planned activities:
1) Research report on the current practices of engaging citizens in strategic planning at a local level;
2) A conference for Latvia’s municipalities and citizen activists;
3) Workshops for at least 7 municipalities on participatory budgeting and on citizen engagement in municipal long-term planning;
4) Technical support (expertise from Germany or other countries; aid for setting up rules, etc) for those municipalities in Latvia that would want to pilot new methods of engaging their citizens.

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