
Informācijas par Igaunijas Preses padomi

29. marts, 2003



Foto: politika.lv

Fact sheet as of April 2003


The Press Council of Estonia (Pressinõukogu) is a voluntary body of press self-regulation to handle complaints from the public about material published in the press.

The Council provides the public with a possibility to find solutions to disagreements with the press without the need to go to court.

The Press Council has nine members, including five from the media sector and four lay members from the non-media sectors. The Press Council’s rotating chairman is Mr Sulev Valner, editor-in-chief of the Maaleht weekly newspaper.

The Press Council discusses complaints about material published in the press and which have been published no later than three months ago. The handling of complaints is free of charge and quick – the Council meets once a month.

The Press Council replaces a former self-regulatory body (Avaliku Sõna Nõukogu), from which the Estonian Newspaper Association and other media organisations withdrew earlier in 2002 over disagreements concerning its leadership and management style.

The Press Council was set up in 2002 by the Estonian Newspaper Association. In April 2003, the main online news portals agreed to stick to the standards set by the Press Council regarding journalistic content of these sites.

Members of the Press Council:

1. Sulev Valner, chairman; editor-in-chief the Maaleht newspaper

2. Tiit Hennoste, deputy chairman; journalism and philology lecturer at Tartu University

3. Erik Gamzejev, managing editor of the Pőhjarannik/Severnoje Poberezhje regional newspaper

4. Aleksander Glikman, lawyer

5. Urmas Klaas, editor-in-chief of the Postimees daily

6. Mari Meel, lecturer of business ethics at the Tallinn Technical University; also writer under the name of Mari Saat

7. Tiiu Pőld, court reporter, scriptwriter at Filmimees

8. Tarmu Tammerk, managing director of the Estonian Newspaper Association

9. David Vseviov, head of the humanities department at the Estonian Acacemy of Arts

Maige Prööm is the acting secretary of the Press Council, whose job is to communicate with the complainants.

Pressinõukogu (Press Council), Pärnu mnt 67a, 10134 Tallinn, Estonia
E-mail pn@eall.ee, tel +372 646 3363, fax. +372 631 1210


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