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What drives public distrust towards COVID-19 vaccination in the Baltic states and Ukraine?
Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS will scout projects in Latvia for the Innovation in Politics Awards
Civic Involvement in the preparation of Municipal Planning Documents: Evaluation of Local Government Practice in Latvia: Summary of the Report
Author: Agnese Frīdenberga, Līga Stafecka, Sintija Tarasova 12.01.2020
[Video] Panel-discussion Global trends of citizen engagement in municipal planning: What can we learn from other countries?
Frequently asked questions about participatory budgeting in municipalities
Online conference Citizen engagement in municipal planning: Latvia’s example and global trends
Safeguarding democracies in the digital age
Why are there so few women in tech? 8 reasons backed by scientific studies
Author: Līga Stafecka, Sintija Tarasova 07.01.2020
10 propositions to increase women representation in the IT sector
Author: Līga Stafecka, Sintija Tarasova 06.19.2020