
A guide to socially responsible public procurement.

19. May, 2023


Agnese Frīdenberga

Socially Responsible Public Procurement (SRPP) is a form of strategic public procurement – alongside green procurement and innovation procurement.


In order to help public authorities, local authorities, businesses and other organisations to better understand and implement such procurement, an explanatory guide to has been developed.

It provides clear and concise information on:

  • The stages of implementation;
  • Recommendations to take into account when setting requirements in public procurement;
  • Conditions and examples for different groups of services and goods, as well as for the implementation of works;
  • Examples of good practice from Latvia.


SRPP is the deliberate, systematic and strategic integration of considerations into procurement-related activities that have a positive impact on solving problems of public concern. Social responsibility criteria can be integrated into all activities related to the procurement of goods, services or works, from the identification of needs, the development of appropriate specifications and the evaluation process, to the monitoring of the results achieved.


This material has been produced as part of the Ministry of Welfare’s of the Republic of Latvia “Developing Social Entrepreneurship Together!” series of activities and was developed by the Latvian Social Entrepreneurship Association in cooperation with experts from the Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS and the Procurement Monitoring Bureau.

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