
Assessment of the reception of Ukrainian civilians in Latvian municipalities and the enhancement of municipal capacity

Project period:
07.01.2023 - 03.31.2024
Project costs:
63 926.12 EUR
Open Society Foundation


Dārta PelseLaima Bērziņa


Dārta PelseLaima Bērziņa

The project's goal is to assess the situation in Latvian municipalities regarding the reception of Ukrainian civilians and to promote the development of policy planning documents for the reception and integration of international protection beneficiaries that align with the needs, priorities, and available resources of the municipalities.

The goal of the project is to conduct a situation assessment in Latvian municipalities regarding the reception of Ukrainian civilians and to promote the development of policy planning documents for the reception and integration of international protection beneficiaries that align with the needs, priorities, and available resources of the municipalities.

The project is related to the fact that until February 2022 and the arrival of the first Ukrainian civilians in Latvia, the role of municipalities in hosting international protection beneficiaries has been marginal. Developing the Support Law for Ukrainian Civilians and the Action Plan for Supporting Ukrainian Civilians, municipalities were assigned a central role in organizing both reception and accommodation, as well as social support and education.

The project will be implemented in two stages:

  1. Situation assessment in municipalities, development of policy recommendations by conducting a comprehensive analysis of the support system for Ukrainian civilians, preparing a report analyzing general trends.
  2. Regional strategic workshops with municipal representatives, including field seminars for municipal representatives, aiming to develop action plans tailored to their context and on-site experience exchange activities.
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