
Working with Civil Society to Find Effective Solutions and Improve Governance: Towards better EU Impact in Partner Countries

11. October, 2015

Foto: United Nations Photo

Conference in Riga on 14 October, 2015.

On October 14 in Riga PROVIDUS, with the support of Europe for Citizens programme, organised an international conference on the EU role in supporting the development of civil society in partner countries.

The conference not only focused on the development of civil society in partner countries but also its impact on governance, with particular focus on the Eastern Partnership and Central Asia countries.

The goal of the conference was to deepen the discussion about the role of NGOs and civil society in EU development cooperation and aid policies, with particular focus on its impact on local civil society in two regions: Central Asia and the Eastern Partnership countries. Also the role of European development NGOs in facilitating or ‘mediating’ EU impact in these regions was discussed.

Participants and target audience

The conference brought together representatives of European think-tanks and civil society organisations working with development and humanitarian aid and representatives of civil society organisations from Eastern Partnership countries and Central Asia.

(Conference programmepdf)

The event was organised with the support of the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union. Responsibility for the content of this event lies with the Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS.


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