About research paper Is ICT the Future for Everyone? Representation of women in the ICT sector in Latvia: public perception and workplace adaptation to gender equality.
The goal of the study is to identify and analyse the main reasons why women in Latvia choose to pursue a career in the ICT sector significantly less often than men, and to offer solutions for the gradual improvement of the situation. It was concluded that women face a number of obstacles and that among those the most difficult to challenge are the stereotypes about gender roles that have become engrained in society. They affect the career choices of a person from an early age.
You can download full text of the research herepdf.
This study has been implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic, when the public has the opportunity to appreciate the importance of information technology on a daily basis, starting with various mobile phone applications which help in the fight against the virus, or which provide the possibility of organising business meetings or even large-scale virtual conferences, private parties and distance learning. The data collected in this study demonstrate that young people have already assessed that the technology sector is very promising for their future careers, and that the interest is most likely to increase. It is a good opportunity for the industry to use this interest in order to demonstrate the importance of the technology sector in the future and to show that more diverse team can deliver better results and meet a wider range of public needs.
The research was implemented by the order of the foundation “IT Education Fund” and Accenture Latvia.
The responsibility for the content of the study is held by the researchers.