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NIEM Evaluation 2: Latvian integration system 2019 – 2021: Stagnation before positive change?
Author: Dārta Pelse 04.28.2022
Practical recommendations for organising a deliberative event
Author: Iveta Kažoka, Sintija Tarasova 04.13.2022
Social entrepreneurship and social enterprise ecosystem in Latvia
Citizens of Riga, be part of the solution to air pollution!
9 ways how municipalities can foster development of social enterprises
Author: Agnese Frīdenberga 03.09.2022
Study “Affordable Rental Housing in Latvia – Challenges and Opportunities”
Author: Agnese Frīdenberga 03.09.2022
How Can European Affairs Committees be Strengthened? Chapter from book ‘Deliberative Democracy in the EU: Countering Populism with Participation and Debate’.
Author: Iveta Kažoka, Sintija Tarasova 03.08.2022
What is participatory budgeting? General overview and participatory budgeting in Latvia
Author: Sintija Tarasova 01.27.2022
Openness standards: recommendations to local governments to ensure greater openness
Author: Iveta Kažoka, Līga Stafecka, Agnese Frīdenberga, Sintija Tarasova 01.25.2022