
Methodology for Creating & Establishing Citizen Councils in Municipalities

08. December, 2022

Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS has created a methodological material for municipalities & citizens on establishing citizen councils on a municipal level.

Methodology is created to be available around the time, when the new Law on Municipalities will come into force (January 1, 2023).

The new law places great emphasis on public participation on a municipal level. A separate section in the law is dedicated for various issues related to public participation in order to promote ties & connection between citizens and municipalities, many if which have been recently created as new units as a result of the municipal amalgamation.

Methodological material is intended for municipalities that are planning to have or/and already have Citizen Councils.

The purpose of this material is to provide support to municipalities & citizens to ensure that Citizens Councils are created in a manner most effective for all involved parties.


Full report in Latvian language is available in the Latvian language section of this homepage.


To reach PROVIDUS’ experts on Citizen council, please contact:

Mrs. Agnese Frīdenberga –

Mrs. Līga Stafecka –



“Methodology for Creating & Establishing Citizen Councils in Municipalities” is created with the support of the Social Integration Fund (LV: Sabiedrības integrācijas fonds).

The content is a sole responsibility of the Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS.

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