
Support for Victims of Crime: Substantial or Nominal. Latvia and Beyond

Project period:
06.01.2011 - 05.31.2013
Project costs:
192 685 EUR
European Commission

 Currently victims and society are viewed as passive and marginal actors in crime.. Addressing victims’ needs can be viewed as burdensome and inconvenient by representatives of law enforcement agencies, hence the primary focus of law enforcement manifests as closing a case in due time or punishing the offender. Victimization often recurs when a person affected by crime turns to law enforcement agencies or even to their close family members. Hence it is necessary to introduce a comprehensive approach that would place victims needs on the policy agenda, shift perspective and modus operandi in law enforcement agencies and in society at large, and last, but not least, support and empower victims. This project proposes four specific goals 

  1. To provide research based strategic and policy recommendations for development of good victims policies that address victims’ needs, and respond to crime in a balanced and restorative way;
  2. To improve information and support available to victims of crime;
  3. To enhance understanding about the benefits of a restorative response to crime and responsiveness towards victims’ needs among law enforcement agencies, media and society at large;
  4. To improve cooperation and networking among state agencies and NGOs working with victims of crime in Latvia and beyond.

These issues are addressed through a complex approach entailing four groups of activities:

  1. Empirical research evaluating support for victims of crime in comparison to their needs;
  2. Accessible information for victims through victims’ support portal;
  3. Introduction of support circles for victims of crime;
  4. Educational and public awareness campaign.

Project partners:

Legal Aid Administration,

Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia;

The Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior;

State Probation Service of Latvia;

Association Skalbes, (Latvia);

Centre against Abuse Dardedze, (Latvia);

Talsi Crisis Centre, (Latvia);

Institute of Law, (Lithuania);

Victims Support Europe (UK);

European Forum for Restorative Justice (Belgium);

Victims Support Scotland (UK)


Concrete project activities and results:

1. Infographs (in Latvian)

2. Articles in public policy portal (in Latvian):

3. Media coverage (in Latvian)

4. Discussion Media power and responsibility: life of victim after the crime (in Latvian: Mediju vara un atbildība: cietušā dzīve pēc nozieguma)

5. Support circles for victims. Further information (in Latvian):,,

6. Website 

7. Conference Supporting Victims of Crime in Latvia: Challenges Incorporating EU Dimension

Conference presentations:

Confrence videos:

8. Seminars for professionals in victim protection in regions of Latvia

Presentations (in Latvian):

9. Results of questionnaire about victimication of inhabitants of Latvia (in Latvian)

10. Research

Summary of the research Provision for the needs of crime victims: support to prevention of victimisation in Latvia

Research Provision of the Needs of Crime Victims: Support to Prevention of Victimisation in Latvia

Country reports:


With financial support from Criminal Justice Programme

European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom and Security 

 ES raksts

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