
PROVIDUS – state partner in policy planning and development/2013

Project period:
07.22.2013 - 12.31.2013
Project costs:
8932.42 LVL
EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 Sub-programme “NGO Activity Support Measure”

PROVIDUS work program for second half-year of 2013 was organized according to the following priorities: good governance and inclusive policy, social entrepreneurship, active citizenship and media policy.

The main activities within the work plan: research and analysis, active participation in working groups and committee meetings, advocacy activities, maintenance of public participation tools.

Results of the work plan: blog/article series, which aimed to strenghten rights of different society groups and civil society to be present in the public discourse and participation in policy making process, project proposals, new and trained interns, a discussion event about NGO efforts to practice effective advocacy in Latvia, online collaborative public discussion, new webpage about social entrepeneurship in Latvia.

Full list of results achieved in project can be found here (in Latvian):

Project is financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway in framework of NGO Project Measure.

NGO Project Measure is financed with financial support from EEA Financial Mechanism and Republic of Latvia.

/ raksts

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