
Learning to welcome: The integration of immigrant citizens in Latvia and Poland

Project period:
10.01.2007 - 06.01.2008
Project costs:
54 287 Euro
European Commission, Social integration Foundation, Soros foundation-Latvia, PROVIDUS, Institute of Public Affairs, Migration Policy

In particular, the project focuses on access to labour market, anti-discrimination laws, public opinion and political participation, as well as conditions to receive the status of a long-term resident and family reunification. The analysis was based on the Migrant Integration Policy Index.

This project thrived to shift the focus of public and policy debates away from the question of whether our countries do or do not want immigrants. It recognised the reality that our countries already have and will continue to have immigrants, who governments should want and encourage to be active citizens. The project therefore posed a new question for public debate over whether our countries have developed clear integration policies to guarantee the rights and responsibilities of immigrant citizens and to promote welcoming host societies.

At the end of the project a publication was published and disseminated in two international conferences in Riga and Warsaw.

The publication (in English) is available here

Project partners were Institute of Public Affairs in Poland and Migration Policy Group in Belgium. raksts

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