
European Citizens’ Panel

Project period:
05.01.2009 - 04.01.2010
Project costs:
39 547 EUR
European Commission, PROVIDUS


Project participants were looking for answers to the following questions:

– When in the decision-making process should the EU engage with citizens?

– On what policy areas should the EU engage with citizens?

– What would motivate citizens to engage in EU decision-making?

– What preparation do citizens need to take part in such an event?

– How should the EU follow-up on recommendations made by citizens?

European Citizen’s Panel in Latvia took place on November 14, 2009, in Riga, Albert Hotel, Dzirnavu street 33. The final report on the results of the Latvian panel is available here

A short video (in Latvian) from the event is available here

European Citizens’ Panel in Latvia was one of 4 national level Citizen’s Panels, which took place in autumn 2009 in EU member states. Each of the national Citizens’ Panels prepared recommendations on engagement of citizens in the EU decision-making. The compiled views from all 4 national panels are available in this border=0 interim (155.55 KB)report.

Following the Panels – using citizens’ and experts’ input – recommendations were drafted on how to make citizen engagement in EU decision making an ongoing process. Final Report is available border=0 here (252.85 KB)

Project partners were European Citizens Action Service, European Academy Berlin, NIOK, The Open Society Institute – Sofia, PROVIDUS. raksts

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