
Energising mobile citizens’ participation

Project period:
11.01.2015 - 12.31.2016
Project costs:
96,516.62 EUR
European Commission

Since undergoing expansion in 2004 and 2007 the European Union has experienced an increase in migration within its borders, and with this the EU faces new opportunities and challenged for civil and political representation of EU citizens. Little is known about mobile EU citizens’ actual political engagement in host countries, but in some cases it is known that their engagement is low.

Main activities:

– Analyse current practices in promoting participation in political life (e.g. local elections) among EU-13 citizens living in Ireland, and identify barriers and opportunities;
– Promote participation by directly addressing Latvian, Lithuanian and Polish communities in Ireland (training for community leaders, pilot shadowing programme, brochure, interactive online test);
– Develop and present a policy brief with recommendations on how to improve participation of EU-13 citizens in EU-15 countries to EU policy makers.

People involved in the project:

– Citizens of Latvia, Lithuania and Poland currently living in Ireland (52000 Latvians, 122000 Poles, 85000 Lithuanians) and other mobile citizens living in Ireland;
– Local authorities and policy makers in Ireland: 2-3 local authorities (Dublin, Cork and possibly Waterford);
– Participants of the training for community leaders: 30-45 migrant community leaders (mobile EU citizens and 3rd country nationals);
– Participants of the event in Brussels: EU policy makers.

Secondary target groups include community groups, civil society organisations, national public bodies.

Expected results:

– Evidence-based analysis on participation of EU citizens in Ireland and best practices to improve participation, including awareness on barriers and opportunities;

By producing a representative study and an analysis of best practices, the project will improve stakeholders’ and policy makers knowledge about participation and limits to participation, and will suggest ways for improvement.

– New best practices developed for energising mobile citizens to participate

By developing seminars and training programme and creating a shadowing programme for local community leaders of mobile citizens, the project will improve awareness and participation habits, and will develop practices that can be later used by others.

– Policy recommendations

By developing recommendations for EU policy makers how to support the partcipation of mobile EU citizens in host countries, the project will contribute to policy improvement.

Type and number of outputs to be produced:

– 1 extensive analytical study with recommendations;
– 3 training programmes for up to 15 community leaders (in each programme) in Ireland;
– 1 brochure (3000 copies) and 1 interactive test for EU nationals about the role of local authorities and the opportunities to participate in Ireland;
– 1 policy brief and 1 advocacy event in Brussels to promote recommendations to improve participation.


– Foundation Institute of Public Affairs, Poland;
– Diversity Development Group, Lithuania;
– Association “European Latvian Association”, Latvia.


Supported by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme of the European Union

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