The target group includes 240 children and young people of social risk groups and 9 senior persons. The project will be in three regions of Latvia: Madona, Saldus and Cesis in cooperation with local municipalities, and International Institut for the Rights of the Child (Institut International des Droits de l’Enfant) from Sion, Switzerland. Project’s activities envisage to establish a model of Inter-institutional Cooperation in each of the municipalities, including regional working groups which will perform the process of selection of children and young people, and organise for them useful and healthy recreational activities: sports, tourism events, art activities, basic education about principles of business and military service.
As a result, the Project will: a) create a sustainable support system for the prevention of juvenile offences suitable for the specific needs of various regions of Latvia; b) publish a monitoring report, compiling lessons learned and drawing on the Swiss experience; c) promote a philosophy of change in working with children of social risk groups towards a supportive and restorative approach instead of punitive approach.
Good practices in Juvenile Delinquency’s Prevention in Switzerland – presentation by Mr. Jean Zermatten, director of The International Institute for the Rights of the Child in conference Prevention – way to keep children out of crime, which was organized within the framework of project “Building a Support System to Prevent Juvenile Delinquency”.
Research Child-friendly Justice in Latvia: Focusing on Crime Prevention.
Project is financed by Swiss Confederation and Republic of Latvia in the framework of the Latvian – Swiss Cooperation Programme to Reduce Economic and Social Disparities within the Enlarged European Union
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