
Visualizing Migration

Project period:
11.01.2017 - 05.01.2018
Project costs:
6074 EUR
British Council, US Embassy in Riga

Project publications and events

    1) Translating Migration Matters videos. Translating Migration 101 and A Migrant’s View video course content to Latvian and Russian languages and editing the videos to embed the translated subtitles.
    2) Developing written guidelines. Developing written guidelines for study lessons on migration topics based around the contents of the translated videos. These guidelines will include descriptions on how to introduce video contents to students, recommended questions to facilitate a classroom discussion, suggestions for lesson structure and classroom activities, as well as advice on how to connect the videos to general social science curriculum.
    3) Launch event. Organizing a one-day launch event and workshop for teachers. The event will be held at Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and will consist of presentations on the aims of the Migration Matters project, the importance on educating the society on issues of migration and integration, introduction to the translated videos and developed guidelines, as well as workshops practising using the developed methods in lectures.
    4) Regional trainings. Organizing four regional training workshops held in 4 different locations around Latvia, each hosting 15-20 teachers. The trainings will introduce teachers to the translated videos and developed guidelines, as well as allow teachers to practice using the videos in lectures.
    5) Publishing and feedback. Publishing videos online in order to make them accessible to all interested teachers, as well Latvian and Russian speaking students.

Expected project results

    1) 18 videos on the migration topic will be translated to Latvian and Russian languages with the aim of promoting tolerance and understanding of immigration processes and of newcomers in the Latvian society.
    2) At least 100 teachers trained in five workshops. Furthermore, the project aims the developed written guidelines to be used facilitate lessons in at least 100 different schools. Teachers are provided access to new resources and teaching methods for their social sciences classes and students will have an opportunity to improve their understanding and critical thinking skills regarding migration-related issues.
    3) At least 2000 Latvian and Russian speaking high-school students will be exposed to the video courses in classes taught by the trained teachers. The project will facilitate a greater understanding among students of EU migration policy, as well as values of tolerance and empathy towards newcomers.
    4) Recommendations on how to include issues of migration and integration in teaching such core competencies as tolerance, solidarity, and kindness will be submitted to the State Education Development Centre.

Project financially supported by:
British Council
US Embassy in Riga

Project co-operation partners:
Skola2030 / State Education Development Centre
Quo tu domā?
Iespējamā misija (Mission Possible)
Centre for Media Studies at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga

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