
RACCOMBAT: Preventing and Combatting Racism and Xenophobia through Social Orientation of Non-Nationals

Project period:
10.01.2017 - 08.01.2019
Project costs:
34 665.86 EUR
European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)

Project activities

    1) Mapping of existing integration frameworks in 12 European Union member states;
    2) Analysing courses’ curricula and implementation in six member states;
    3) Collection of best practices and guidelines on including tolerance and non-discrimination topics in the integration process.

Project publications and events

    1) Analytical activities: 2 methodologies for mapping and analysing and 1 template for best practices; 12 mapping country reports; 6 analytical country reports; 1 collection of best practices; 1 set of guidelines;
    2) Training activities: 6 trainings with 150 stakeholders’ representatives;
    3) Mutual learning, exchange of good practices, cooperation: 4 events with 20 national authorities, 20 NGOs/CSOs and 20 local authorities;
    4) Awareness-raising, information and dissemination: 1 international conference for 50-55 participants, 1 contact database, 3 newsletters, social network profile, website and a printed book.

Expected project results

    1) Developed tools and practices to foster understanding between host and non-national communities via offering human rights – oriented integration modules;
    2) Improved knowledge on how to promote zero tolerance towards hatred and discrimination by and to host communities;
    3) Innovative research material and best practice collection stimulating holistic approach towards integration;
    4) Publicised successful experiences to mobilise social support and mutual understanding against hate and intolerance.

Project partners
University of Antwerp/CeMIS (Belgium)
Centre for European Constitutional Law (Greece)
Pro Refugiu (Romania)
Center for the Study of Democracy (Bulgaria)
ETC Graz (Austria)


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