
Corruption °C. Report on Corruption and Anticorruption Policy in Latvia. 2006. First semiannum

Year: 2006
Editor-in-chief: Valts Kalnins
Financed by: U.S. Department of State, Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS
Language: Latvian, English edition will be published shortly

The purpose of this biannual report is to analyze the corruption situation and anticorruption measures in Latvia on a regular basis.

The main focus of the third issue is on the corruption of political parties and possibilities to reduce this corruption in Latvia. Authors of the report analyze prospects of minimizing political corruption before the 2006 parliamentary elections in Latvia as well as the structural factors, which account for the corruption of political parties.

Another expert article deals with the issue of ensuring the principle of freedom of information in times of increasing delegation of public functions to commercial bodies and in situations where personal data may become subject to public disclosure.

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