
Alternative Report to the UN on the Situation regarding the Protection of the Rights of Children in Latvia 1998 – 2002

Independent Child’s Ombudsman

ABSTRACTThe Alternative Report to the UN on the Situation Regarding the Protection of the Rights of Children in Latvia 1998 – 2002

An alternative report to the UN prepared by the NGO ‘Save the Children,’ which sums up the observations of NGOs working in the area of child protection, and provides an analysis of the situation in Latvia. The report is much more critical of the situation in Latvia regarding the protection of the rights of children and their health than the opinion stated by state institutions (the data also differ). The report also includes letters from the organisation and appeals to the government and legislators.

A Study by Save the Children under the UN Project “State Violence Against Children”. Eliminating Violations of Children’s Rights at Institutions for Children Left without Parental Care and Boarding Schools 2000-2002

The study analyses the legal situation of children left without parental care and the living conditions at state care-taking institutions. Several cases of violence and other violations by employees at such institutions have been found.

Alternative Report to the UN on the Situation regarding the Protection of the Rights of Children in Latvia 1998 – 2002

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