
Human Rights in Latvia in 2004

The Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnical Studies (LCHRES)

ABSTRACTThe Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnical Studies (LCHRES), a member organisation of the International Helsinki Human Rights Federation, has prepared its regular review on the human rights situation in Latvia in 2004.

The situation in prisons continued to cause concern in 2004: although the overall share of pre-trial detainees decreased, juveniles on remand remained appallingly high at 58.5% of all juveniles in prison. The number of officially registered asylum seekers remained very small and the lack of clarity concerning the status and rights of illegal migrants continued. Latvia was still in breech of Article 5 of the European Convention of Human and Fundamental Rights because of lack of legislation concerning psychiatric assistance.

Last year the expressions of radicalism increased in the political arena. European Union anti-discrimination norms were not fully transposed in 2004. Legislative initiatives raised concerns over the potential restriction of fundamental rights, especially in the area of peaceful assembly.

This report does not claim to provide a complete overview of human rights issues in Latvia, as it focuses mainly on issues pertaining to specific LCHRES fields of expertise – human rights in closed institutions, minority rights and majority – minority relations, discrimination, racism and xenophobia.

Human Rights in Latvia in 2004

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