
Reducing youth at risk numbers: modeling early childhood intervention approaches

Project period:
11.01.2013 - 10.31.2015
Project costs:
77 284.99 LVL
EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 Program „NGO Project Measure”

Antisocial behavior is a consequence of ignoring child’s needs in his/her early childhood. The objective of the project therefore is to develop innovative methods for social work in regions of Latvia to reduce risks that cause antisocial behavior in children. The target group includes 48 children that are exposed to risks of social exclusion (48 families). The project is carried out in Kuldīga, Saldus and Cēsis, while also learning from the experience in Bulgaria and other EU countries.

Project activities:

  • a) work with children and their parents in regions of Latvia;
  • b) establishment of work groups in regions with an objective to provide intensive exchange of information among the responsible institutions and organizations while also ensuring a regular review of ongoing problems, finding solutions and setting up an inter-institutional coordination;
  • c) increasing the professionalism of specialists
  • d) identification of the best practices from abroad.

As theresult there will be promotion of change in philosophy when working with children and families; formation of children friendly and inclusive society and created multi-disciplinary cooperation model; methodology for early risk detention of children’s antisocial behavior; failure prevention tool for improving the quality of work; monitoring report.

Project partners are:

  • Society „Little Feet”, Cēsis, Latvia;
  • Foundation „Mother to mother”, Kuldīga, Latvia; 
  • Foundation „Development center for children „Sun””, Saldus, Latvia;
  • Foundation „Animus”, Sofia, Bulgaria

Activities implemented in project:

1. Conference Social Inclusion: Preventive Measures of Children’s Anti-social Behaviour, which was held from November 27-28, 2013


Financed by:  EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 Program „NGO Project Measure” 



Project is financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway in framework of NGO Project Measure.

NGO Project Measure is financed with financial support from EEA Financial Mechanism and Republic of Latvia. raksts

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