
Preparing the ground for the Conference on the future of Europe

Project period:
01.01.2021 - 12.31.2021
Project costs:
17817 EUR (allocated for Providus)
European Parliament

Objectives of the project:
1) To increase trust among Latvian civil society activists that Latvia’s voice at the European Union level matters and their own voices are being heard (by exposing them to success stories, by organizing ‘influence training’ workshops related to European Parliaments’ political and legislative priorities).
2) To acquaint Latvia’s civil society with sufficient information on the functioning of the European Union and its current state of affairs (trainings, educative tests and games), so that they are able to contribute in a meaningful way to the Conference on the future of Europe.
3) To discuss those long-term issues relating to the future of Europe in the global context that will eventually be part of the conversation during the Conference on the future of Europe, but that currently have been under discussed in Latvian context.

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