
Baseline study on EU New Member States’ Level of Integration and Engagement in EU Decision-Making


The purpose of this study is to present short baseline conclusions on EU New Member States’ (NMS) level of integration and engagement in EU decision-making.

The report will form the background of a more in-depth comparative study to be released next year.

Conducted as part of a PASOS project “Enlargement and Citizenship: Looking to the Future” the study found that NMS are more optimistic about the EU, while the Old Member States are more engaged in EU matters. The study also found that citizens of Bulgaria and Poland feel that they have gained the most out of EU accession, and that representatives of NMS are perceived as being more active, enthusiastic and having a fresher perspective.

Funded by the EU’s funded by Europe for Citizens programme, “Enlargement and Citizenship: Looking to the Future” includes the work of PASOS members the European Institute (Bulgaria), the Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS (Latvia); the Centre for Democracy and Human Rights – CEDEM (Montenegro), the Institute of Public Affairs (Poland), and the Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies (Serbia).

Full study: Baseline study on EU New Member States’ Level of Integration and Engagement in EU Decision-Making raksts

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